Friday, April 8, 2011


Meme stolen from Rainbows & Thunderstorms.

Age: 20

Bed Size: Single

Chore I Hate: Filling the car with petrol!

Dogs: One family dog, Stephanie

Essential Start of Your Day: Journalling and quiet time

Favorite Color: Yellow

Gold or Silver: Silver

Height: 5'5

Instruments I Play: Keyboard (piano when at home alone!)

Job Title: Receptionist/secretary but it will be Graduate Accountant next year

Kids: 0

Live: Australia

Mom's Name: Mum!

Nicknames: Loz, Loza, Lol, Lollie

Overnight Hospital Stays: 0

Pet Peeve: People being unwilling to listen to other's opinions but at the same time, people repeating their opinion needlessly! A bit of a conflict there!

Quote From a Movie: '...but the number of engagements that go on seem to me to be considerably above the proper average that statistics have laid down for our guidance.' - Judy Dench as Lady Bracknell in the Importance of Being Earnest

Right- or Left-Handed: Right

Siblings:  2 sisters, 3 brothers

Time You Wake Up: 7am pretty consistently with the occasional Saturday sleep in

Underwear: Bonds Hipster

Veggie You Dislike: Green Beans

What Makes You Run Late: Nine extra minutes in bed after hitting snooze

X-Rays You Have Had: for my wisdom teeth extraction I had one that swiveled around my head

Yummy Food You Make:  Chocolate fudge brownies

Zoo Animal You Like Best: pygmy lemurs! Also, I would love to see the red pandas--or, firefoxes!

Courtesy Plus Pets

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